What does it mean to be a Gamer Mom?

Photo by Alex Haney on Unsplash

Photo by Alex Haney on Unsplash

If you’re reading this, you might be a gamer mom, or maybe you’re a mom concerned about the impact that gaming might have on your kids. No matter which category you fall into, I’m glad you’re here - welcome! I’m excited to create a community full of resources and connections to help dispel myths about gaming, support fellow moms, and provide insight into some of the ways we can support our kids and their hobbies. 


As a mom, I’m immersed in the New York City parenting scene, which means I’m surrounded by more than a fair share of conflicting opinions and plenty of unsolicited advice. It’s an environment that breeds peer pressure - the pressure to choose the right overpriced preschool, volunteering at said overpriced preschool, limiting screen time to unrealistic levels, and creating Pinterest-worthy meals, projects, and activities for my kid. Oh, and I’m supposed to do all of that while balancing my executive career and volunteering in positions that align with my own interests. When you’re submerged in these social circles, it can be easy to look back on pre-motherhood days and miss the freedom to prioritize our passions and pursue what made us happiest (even if sometimes that meant spending a lazy evening on the couch, or late nights playing video games with friends).


The unfortunate reality is that these social circles are also full of misinformation, and it may come as no surprise that a lot of this misinformation and fear surrounds topics like gaming and eSports for children. As mothers, we all want to make the best decisions for our children, and guide them to make their own healthy decisions for themselves and their futures. The best way to address these normal motherly fears about gaming is through education that will help you support your child in their interests, hobbies, and gaming adventures. In addition to introducing myself, I hope this article can help you better understand what a gamer mom is while shining a light on some of the biggest misconceptions about gaming.


Two Types of Gamer Moms

As far as I’m concerned, there are two types of gamer moms. The first category includes moms whose children have taken an interest in gaming, the second category includes moms who are gamers themselves, and who now hold the honorific title of ‘mom.’


Moms with gamer kids - your home is probably often filled with shouts and cheers courtesy of your kids enjoying their favorite games. Welcome to the gamer mom community - as a gamer mom, it’s important to embrace your child’s interests. Think of it this way; if this was an interest in soccer, playing the violin, or knitting, would you not encourage those interests as well?


Former gamer moms - you’ve probably done your fair share of encouraging when it comes to influencing your kids to pick up video games as a fun hobby. As one of the first professionally sponsored gamers for World of Warcraft (WoW), my gaming background extends far beyond my promotion to ‘mom,’ and now I’m raising a future gamer myself. I understand what it takes to get to the top, balance school, work, and external social life with gaming.


Whether you identify with one or the other, or somewhere in between, you’re in the right place. You’ll find a sense of community here, surrounded by like minded parents who want to support their children’s hobbies and learn more about the benefits of embracing your child’s interest in gaming.


Myths: Busted
Addressing 2 of the Biggest Misconceptions about Gaming


One of the biggest misconceptions that I hear when talking to other mothers or scrolling through Facebook groups like the bustling UES (Upper East Side) Mommas is that they are concerned about the socialization impacts games may have on their child. They fear that games will turn their children into lazy, overweight, irritable teens and eventually adults. While this misconception may be the biggest, luckily it’s one of the easiest to dispel when those mommas are willing to listen.


Gaming, for many kids and adults, is an extremely social hobby. In fact, it’s hard to find games that don’t include at least one aspect of socialization with other players. In addition, I’d be hard-pressed to find a game that wasn’t mentally stimulating, aiding in the development of young minds. Did you know that chess is one of the fastest-growing eSports?


The fact of the matter is that gaming presents opportunities to socialize, strengthen mental reflexes, and to challenge perceptions of the world around us. Gaming has been a gift to my family in many ways, including introducing us to fellow gamers-turned-friends from around the world, thus exposing us to new cultures and mindsets.


Nobody wants their children to be labeled as lazy or picked on for being “nerdy,” but the reality is that these labels are, for the most part, behind us. The things that have shaped me into a serial entrepreneur and investor while pursuing a PhD in theoretical astrophysics are the very same hobbies that used to be for “geeks.”


The next largest misconception that I often encounter is that gaming or eSports are “boy hobbies.” As a woman and a mother, it’s not uncommon for my opinions or skills to be disregarded among fellow gamers or friends outside of the gaming community. But did you know that 2 out of 3 people around the world consumes gaming content, regardless of the device or platform?


My network is full of intelligent, fantastic women and mothers who value gaming as a hobby for their families, look to the gaming community to make new friends, and rely on ESports to help their children socialize and grow. The idea that gaming is for boys is simply outdated and, quite frankly, stale. Video games are for everyone - need an example? Look at the overwhelming rush of female players who invested in a Nintendo Switch following the collaboration with Animal Crossing. What followed were months of heightened socialization in a time of quarantine, when many were experiencing low points and desperately needed something to connect them with friends.


In fact, now more than ever, games provide an opportunity for isolated children and adults alike to forge friendships, meet new people, and fulfill their sense of purpose as social creatures. While all good things need to be enjoyed in moderation, an excitement about gaming during a time of limited social opportunities is perfectly healthy. By teaching your children to respect their bodies in regards to screen time while still encouraging the hobbies they enjoy, you can actually create lifelong hobbies that introduce them to lifelong friends. Trust me, I’ve seen and done it firsthand.


“Gamer Girl” and “Gamer Mom” are terms that you probably don’t hear very often, but they will grow in popularity as more people begin to acknowledge the large proportions of women who value gaming as a hobby and sport. These titles aren’t to be taken lightly, as moms, we are shaping and supporting the next generation of humans who are bound to change the world.


As a gamer mom, busting these myths give me a sense of purpose as I attempt to help normalize gaming as a wholesome, productive activity and hobby for young ones and adults alike. Send me your gaming hot takes and let’s discuss!


From Gladiator to Mom - Grateful for Gaming

There are a few things I miss since being promoted from “Gladiator” to “Gamer Mom.” I mean, who has time for gaming with a toddler? I certainly miss the days when I could spend hours playing online with my friends, or visit bars to watch League of Legend Championships (yes, that’s a thing), or travel the world to meet up with my gaming communities.


I’ve accepted that I probably won’t be a top-ranked player anytime in the near future, though I certainly wouldn’t trade being a mom for the world. After all, getting to raise my son with an appreciation for games and bond with him through the experience brings an entirely new level of joy to my life.


We’ve been able to grow and learn together, spending countless hours building Animal Crossing villages and racing in Mario Kart. In fact, I’ll never forget the sense of pride and satisfaction that I felt the first time my son beat me in Mario Kart...at the age of just 3. I’ve been playing that game for close to 30 years and yet somehow, he kicked my butt.


At the end of the day, the chance to share something I care so deeply about with someone I care so deeply about takes the cake as the world’s greatest adventure. And it’s one I hope you’ll get to experience for yourself.

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